The COFA Annual 2013

Memory In Transition
  • Grey Hair

  • Grey Hair

  • Blemishes And Wrinkles

  • Blemishes And Wrinkles

  • Body Cover

  • Memory In Transition

  • Memory In Transition

  • Metaphysical Vessel

  • Madness And Conformity

  • Madness And Conformity

  • Madness And Conformity

  • A Place Like Home

  • A Place Like Home

Lauren Wright
Bachelor of Design

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Memory in transition
The idea of transition is explored within the island, focusing on historical changes over time. These elements are reflected through layers of physical, historical and imagined components. Foundations of buildings, chiselled sandstone and rusting metalwork hint towards a transitioning sense of history. Textiles and metals are integrated to gradually evolve, reflecting this idea. The textiles intended to gradually fade away reveal a piece of jewellery embedded within the fabric.

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