The COFA Annual 2013

Grey Hair
  • Grey Hair

  • Grey Hair

  • Blemishes And Wrinkles

  • Blemishes And Wrinkles

  • Body Cover

  • Memory In Transition

  • Memory In Transition

  • Metaphysical Vessel

  • Madness And Conformity

  • Madness And Conformity

  • Madness And Conformity

  • A Place Like Home

  • A Place Like Home

Lauren Wright
Bachelor of Design

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Grey hair
To challenge these views the body is recast to reflect positive associations of ageing. The body is re-cast to reflect both the positive perceptions of natural process and cultural practice as human embodiment is central to the identity of an individual. Interaction with the ageing body is crucial for women to maintain a sense of positive personal and social identity in old age.

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