The COFA Annual 2013

Bling Bling Dumping (2012)
  • Going Somewhere (2013)

  • Getting To Know You (2013)

  • Signature Style (2013)

  • 110% (2013)

  • Personal Growth (2013)

  • Russell And Maple Withers: A Life In Love (2013)

  • The Birthday Party (2012)

  • Bamboozle (2012)

  • Bling Bling Dumping (2012)

  • 24 Carrot Gold (2012)

  • Flock

  • Russell And Maple Withers: A Life In Love

  • Water Work 1

  • Water Work 2

  • Around Again

Beth Dillon
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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Bling Bling Dumping (2012)
A site specific performance work developed in response to an artist residency at the Green House, Fowlers Gap, far west NSW. The work explores relation to place and traces of human intervention in the landscape. This project was made possible with a funding from Arc@COFA.

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