The COFA Annual 2013


Beth’s practice explores negotiations of place and personal identity, focusing on themes of the fallible body, the poetics of everyday life, and the value of art. Costumed performance, video installation and collaborative live art events are used to explore successful and flawed attempts to establish a sense of connection between the self and the surrounding environment.
Beth has created solo and collaborative projects for Underbelly Arts, Peats Ridge Festival, Next Wave Festival, the Sydney Fringe and the Sydney Big Day Out. She has exhibited work at a range of ARIs, student galleries and contemporary art institutions in Australia and overseas.

  • 2013 - Georgina and Max Melville Memorial Scholarship
  • 2012 - Holding Redlich 3rd Year Sculpture, Performance & Installation Prize
  • 2012 - Best Installation or Screen-Based Work, COFA Annual
  • 2009 : University of Sydney, Bachelor of Arts (Art History and French Studies)
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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