The COFA Annual 2013

Signature Style (2013)
  • Going Somewhere (2013)

  • Getting To Know You (2013)

  • Signature Style (2013)

  • 110% (2013)

  • Personal Growth (2013)

  • Russell And Maple Withers: A Life In Love (2013)

  • The Birthday Party (2012)

  • Bamboozle (2012)

  • Bling Bling Dumping (2012)

  • 24 Carrot Gold (2012)

  • Flock

  • Russell And Maple Withers: A Life In Love

  • Water Work 1

  • Water Work 2

  • Around Again

Beth Dillon
Bachelor of Fine Arts

Signature Style (2013)
Signature Style is a durational performance exploring the nature of the artistic process. In the work, I sit at a small table and desk, writing my signature continuously on a pad of paper for a period of 2 hours. During the performance, the act of repetition and subsequent fatigue causes the written signature to shift and blur from the original mark. This process of distortion is a meditation on the identity of the artist and the uniqueness of their creative output. Signature Style was developed as part of my Honours research project developed through field studies at Fowlers Gap Research Station, far west NSW, and studio experimentation at the College of Fine Arts (COFA), Sydney.

Read my resume