The COFA Annual 2013

Seeded (2012) Brooch
  • Endangered (2013)

  • Seeded (2012) Brooch

  • Seeded (2012) Brooch

  • Picking Petals (2011)

  • Endangered (2013) 'Acacia Ruppii'

  • Endangered (2013) 'Banksia Brownii'

  • Endangered (2013) 'Eucalptus Crenulata'

  • Endangered (2013) 'Schoenia Filifolia Subsp. Subulifolia'

Fiona Lu
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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SEEDED (2012) brooch
A responsibility in caring for a plant is seen as an obligation for all human. Embracing and nurturing seedlings and witness the germination process creates a bond between human and living organisms.

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