The COFA Annual 2013

Picking Petals (2011)
  • Endangered (2013)

  • Seeded (2012) Brooch

  • Seeded (2012) Brooch

  • Picking Petals (2011)

  • Endangered (2013) 'Acacia Ruppii'

  • Endangered (2013) 'Banksia Brownii'

  • Endangered (2013) 'Eucalptus Crenulata'

  • Endangered (2013) 'Schoenia Filifolia Subsp. Subulifolia'

Fiona Lu
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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The human's hand forms like a petal, a protective embracing gesture while picking up an object. The narrative of us picking up the piece of work reminds us to nurture the growing seedlings and to protect the environment around us.

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