The COFA Annual 2013

Paddington, The Way They Live
  • Coil Me A Collar

  • Rug Up 2012

  • I Heart You, Bitch!

  • Paddington, The Way They Live

  • The Cockatoo Identity

  • Dandelion

  • De Attach

Tobing Lanata
Bachelor of Design

Paddington, The Way They Live
Paddington is a suburb with majority of its population indulging on the finer things in life. This is particularly evident in the array of consumer goods being sold in the area, which include artisan food, bespoke fashion and organic groceries. Thus, it makes one wonder whether they are truly indulging in these overpriced goods or it is just a trend that they are following. “Paddington, the way they live” is an exploration on elements that the people of Paddington over-indulge in, revealing a clearer picture of their way of life. This concept has led to a research on consumer goods that reflect Paddington lifestyle. Inspired by clean line drawings, this project seeks to question the importance of Paddington way of life in the context of consumerism. Using simple line drawings of consumer goods, the project aims to generate textile that is appropriate for window display.

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