The COFA Annual 2013

Detail, 'The Journey', Fruit Nets, Raffia, Acrylic, Poppy Dyed Silk & Pva, 2013
  • Detail, 'Fragility', Found Leaves & Thread, 100cm X 50cm, 2012.

  • Detail, #2, 'Spiritual Leader' Series, Photographic Image, Thread, Collage, 60cm X 60cm Framed, 2013

  • Detail, 'The Journey', Fruit Nets, Raffia, Acrylic, Poppy Dyed Silk & Pva, 2013

  • 'Vestiges', Latex, Paper, Wire, Found Objects, Photographic Image. Mixed Media, Variable Dimensions, 2013.

Donna Eddie
Bachelor of Fine Arts

Detail, 'the journey', fruit nets, raffia, acrylic, poppy dyed silk & PVA, 2013
These vessels carry within them the 'poppy petal' dyed pods on their way to the spiritual plane. These pods bear the scars, the indelible markings of a life gone before. The palette of some are gentle and soft, others are bruised, damaged and neglected.

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