The COFA Annual 2013

Exploding Communication Device (2011)
  • Equilibrium (2013)

  • Equilibrium (2013)

  • Blurring Boundaries, Breaking Ground (2013)

  • Blurring Boundaries, Breaking Ground (2013)

  • Dystopian Future Resusciation (2012) (Detail)

  • Breakdown, Rebuild (2012)

  • Breakdown, Rebuild (2012)

  • Fleeting Nourishment (2012)   Gallery Installation

  • Fleeting Nourishment (2012)   Site Specific

  • Schroedinger's Moth (2012)

  • Alternate Vision Apparatus' (2012)

  • Alternate Vision Apparatus' (2012)   Agora Vision

  • Alternate Vision Apparatus' (2012)   The Money Monacle

  • War Of Attrition (2011)

  • Exploding Communication Device (2011)

  • (Unfamilar Discourse)

Jacqueline Terrett
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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Exploding Communication Device (2011)
"Exploding Communication Device" was an interactive sculpture with exploding components, inflated to capacity by foot pump by gallery patrons. Inside the balloons were a variety of different materials that were propelled towards the conical "ear", as well as misfiring into the rest of the gallery with a piercing bang.

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