The COFA Annual 2013

Blurring Boundaries, Breaking Ground (2013)
  • Equilibrium (2013)

  • Equilibrium (2013)

  • Blurring Boundaries, Breaking Ground (2013)

  • Blurring Boundaries, Breaking Ground (2013)

  • Dystopian Future Resusciation (2012) (Detail)

  • Breakdown, Rebuild (2012)

  • Breakdown, Rebuild (2012)

  • Fleeting Nourishment (2012)   Gallery Installation

  • Fleeting Nourishment (2012)   Site Specific

  • Schroedinger's Moth (2012)

  • Alternate Vision Apparatus' (2012)

  • Alternate Vision Apparatus' (2012)   Agora Vision

  • Alternate Vision Apparatus' (2012)   The Money Monacle

  • War Of Attrition (2011)

  • Exploding Communication Device (2011)

  • (Unfamilar Discourse)

Jacqueline Terrett
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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Blurring Boundaries, Breaking Ground (2013)
"Blurring Boundaries, Breaking Ground" is a time based installation created out of toffee, honey and rock salt. During the Annual Exhibition, the artist will be installing a trail that meanders into the exhibition. As the days pass, however, the materials composing the work will decay, melting and being degraded by ants and other insects attracted to the sticky forms. The work discusses the relationship between people and the surface they walk on. In almost all situations we encounter, there is a physical barrier between where our foot lays and the surface of the earth below, for example through concrete. This work attempts to reunite and reintegrate the two at this meeting place, bringing it back to its intended relationship.

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