The COFA Annual 2013


My practice currently is focused around creating art objects that have the potential for transformation, through human engagement (performance or interactive installations) or by virtue of being created out of materials that are fragile or have the potential to become ephemeral through decay. These materials include the skin, wax, ice, glass, unfired clay, bicarbonate of soda.

In my practice there is a tendency towards exploring themes of the environment and the body. This has expanded into exploring the ideas of respect and social responsibility by making social objects that can be engaged with and actively damaged by participants.

  • 2013 : New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Semester Exchange
  • Ceramics
    Slip casting
  • Glass
    Blowing, Casting
  • Textiles
    stringmaking, crochet, basketry, loom weaving
  • Video
    Final Cut Pro
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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