The COFA Annual 2013

Place Pathology
  • Place Pathology

  • Place Pathology

  • Solastalgia

  • Biophilia

  • Biophilia (Detail)

  • Specimens 1 12, Clorophyta/Viridiplantae

  • Specimens 1 12, Clorophyta/Viridiplantae

Hannah Rose Carroll Harris
Bachelor of Fine Arts

Place Pathology
Place Pathology is a ghost-like installation of a sewn urban landscape. Constructed from recycled brown paper and paraffin wax, the city sprawl is complied of houses stacked on top of each other, a claustrophobic town filled to capacity, devoid of the natural. By solidifying the paper in wax, each house is both fragile but in a fixed state, a comment on rampant urbanisation and its social and ecological impacts.

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