The COFA Annual 2013

Biophilia (Detail)
  • Place Pathology

  • Place Pathology

  • Solastalgia

  • Biophilia

  • Biophilia (Detail)

  • Specimens 1 12, Clorophyta/Viridiplantae

  • Specimens 1 12, Clorophyta/Viridiplantae

Hannah Rose Carroll Harris
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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Biophilia (Detail)
Crystalline forms and structures are the key elements to many forms in nature. This process of transformation is embodied in Biophilia- a wax fabric sculpture that is a conglomeration of smaller elements. I have grown crystals on the fabric, the actual imprint of the crystallisation process left permanently in the fabric, then suspended in wax to form crystal-like structures, combined to form a large cluster. This process of transformation mimics those found in nature, a representation of the wonderment and beauty in natural forms.

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