The COFA Annual 2013

Essence Pod
  • The Awen Series

  • The Awen

  • The Scarab Beetle

  • Come Fly With Me Series  Green Heart Dove

  • Come Fly With Me Series  A Bird In The Hand

  • Cockatoo Island  Integrated Project

  • Cockatoo Island  Integrated Project

  • Cockatoo Island  Integrated Project

  • Essence Pod

Maria Kerry
Bachelor of Design

Previous Student

Essence Pod
Began with the intention of wanting people to adopt the idea of nurturing the essence of ‘home’ and what they love in their everyday lives. One question drives the project: What essence do you want to grow/create/ share in your home? Forms can connect in a straight line to line your window or put together in a circular form to adorn the table. The upper floor I specially designed for growing herbs while a wick connecting the lower water reservoir to the upper, allow moisture to reach the soil without the need for over watering.

Read my resume