The COFA Annual 2013

The Scarab Beetle
  • The Awen Series

  • The Awen

  • The Scarab Beetle

  • Come Fly With Me Series  Green Heart Dove

  • Come Fly With Me Series  A Bird In The Hand

  • Cockatoo Island  Integrated Project

  • Cockatoo Island  Integrated Project

  • Cockatoo Island  Integrated Project

  • Essence Pod

Maria Kerry
Bachelor of Design

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The scarab beetle
To the ancient Egyptians the beetle symbolized hope and the restoration of life. They used the design of a scarab beetle in many ways including good luck charms and amulets. Colours of rich, beautiful blues, red, yellow and green present in the stone represent the cooling and restorative qualities of water, the awakening of the sun and qualities of the earth, essential for growth.

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