The COFA Annual 2013

Immoral Fibre
  • Marraine's Memories

  • Bea

  • Beyond Satiation

  • Beyond Satiation (Detail)

  • Immoral Fibre

  • Ending Is Better Than Mending (Detail)

  • The Cortege

  • Marraine

  • Secular Saint 1

  • Demyelinating

  • Emile

  • Secular Saint 2

  • E = C + G + I + X

  • Waiting

  • Jamie

  • The Third Eye

Jane Theau
Master of Art

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Immoral Fibre
This installation, created with Mandy Pryse-Jones, recreates the rooms of a 1960's fibro cottage, complete with framework, studs and noggins. It is made of tarlatan, a fibrous muslin, as a metaphor for the asbestos fibres, and is accompanied by the sound of the laboured breathing of a mesothelioma sufferer. In a moment of exquisite and accidental irony, this work was exhibited at the Cessnock Regional Gallery when the gallery was named after one of its benefactors, John Reid, longtime CEO of James Hardie.

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