The COFA Annual 2013

Do It, Home Made Spaghetti 2013
  • Childhood Heroes 2013

  • Near Documentary, Decisive Moment 2013

  • Light Box, Consumerist 2013

  • Do It, Home Made Spaghetti 2013

  • Object & Portrait, Pointe Shoes & Ballerina 2012

  • Image Object, Monsters 2012

  • The Uncanny, Belle 2011

Jessica Jade Harlow
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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Do It, Home Made Spaghetti 2013
This work was created in response to Hans Ulrich Obrist’s Do It Manual. My chosen instruction was by Fabrice Hybert, Untitled, to “At home do everything you’re not supposed to do.” I created a recipe for Spaghetti Bolognese using materials from around the house. A literal home made meal.

Read my resume