The COFA Annual 2013


‘The Five Stages of Grief’, inspired by the work of Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, is the second in a series of artworks exploring the devastating effects of serious illness on my artistic life. Stage one, entitled ‘The Long Road Back’, documented the struggle to recover my lost artistry. In ‘The Five Stages of Grief’, working with a monochromatic palette so that the expression remains paramount, I move forward to explore the emotional toll of the loss of my artistic identity. The third and final stage, ‘Survivor’, a self-portrait, uses a simple yet colourful composition to reflect healing, inner strength and new beginnings.

  • 2013 - Hornsby Art Prize - Exhibiting Artist
  • Drawing
    Graphite, coloured pencil, charcoal, pastel, pen and ink - specialising in portraiture, photorealism and illustration.
  • Painting
    Watercolour, acrylic, oil.
Bachelor of Fine Arts / Bachelor of Arts

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