The COFA Annual 2013

'Dust' Ring
  • 'Dust' Pendant

  • 'Dust' Cuff

  • 'Dust' Ring

  • 'Dust' Vessel Necklace

Skye Bevis
Bachelor of Design / Bachelor of Art Education

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'Dust' ring
In the jewellery district of Kolkata, there is such a large production of gold jewellery that gold dust has made its way into the sewers and the streets. People have started panning through the sludge in order to make a living. Exploited by the middleman’s fluctuating prices for the gold, the panners are in a modern form of slavery. This jewellery piece, made in India reflects the people who are involved in the jewellery making industry of the country. When worn the diamond within this piece will slowly wear away at the gold. The pan shaped jewellery allows you to see this process of the collecting gold dust.

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