The COFA Annual 2013

Advocate For The Artisans
  • Advocate For The Artisans

  • Advocate For The Artisans

  • Advocate For The Artisans

  • Advocate For The Artisans

  • Advocate For The Artisans

  • Advocate For The Artisans

  • Advocate For The Artisans

  • Advocate For The Artisans

  • Advocate For The Artisans

  • Advocate For The Artisans

  • Advocate For The Artisans

  • Advocate For The Artisans

Kimberley Reh
Bachelor of Design

Advocate for the Artisans
This Indian Jewellery is a labelling system that aims to give consumers more information about the artisans and production processes behind Indian handmade products. The works are informative tags that are adaptable to jewellery and accessories, enabling consumers to endorse the artisans by advocating to others through this system. Kimberley Reh designed and made the work using fairtrade cotton and was inspired by meeting artisan cluster groups on her trip to India for the Cultural Textiles Course in January 2012. Each jewellery bell profiles a product and artisan group that was visited by COFA students. Photography by Bethany Tara.

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