The COFA Annual 2013

Permaculture Dreaming
  • Permaculture Dreaming

  • Julie Shea.Com.Au   Interactive Animated Artist Website Image Map Home Page

  • Pel & Pap

  • Flatlanders   Dan

  • Permaculture Dreaming Cape/Tipi  (Small)

  • Mum

  • (((Big Squeeze)))

  • The Dog's Letter

Julie Shea
Master of Cross-Disciplinary Art and Design

Permaculture Dreaming
Titian’s “Venus of Urbino” reclines in the ideal landscape formation for permaculture design. Applying permaculture principles and elements, her body becomes Zone 0 – harmonious home. Closest to her, Zone 1 (white) requires frequent attention and provides for her immediate needs, health and comfort. Zone 2 (yellow) provides longer term production and yield. Zone 3 (green) uses the human body to represent layering of plants for reduced space requirements and maximum yield. Zone 4 (blue) is a design area to incorporate observed elements from the wilderness (Zone 5 – purple) into the sustainable functioning garden design.

Read my resume