The COFA Annual 2013

'Disembodied Organisms' (2012)
  • 'Altered States, Benevolent Spirits' (2013)

  • 'Altered States, Benevolent Spirits' (2013)

  • 'Altered States, Benevolent Spirits' (2013)

  • 'Disembodied Organisms' (2012)

  • 'Metacarpus Entities' (2012)

  • 'Entities 8 10' (2011)

  • 'Cellular Cycle' (2011)

  • 'Cellular Cycle' (2011)

  • 'Metacarpus' (2011)

  • 'Metacarpus' (2011)

  • 'Metacarpus' (2011)

  • 'Untitled' (2013)

  • 'Untitled' (2013)

  • 'Untitled' (2013)

  • 'Untitled' (2013)

  • 'Untitled' (2013)

  • 'Untitled' (2013)

Kim Bailey
Bachelor of Art Education

Next Student

'Disembodied Organisms' (2012)
Extension and experimentation with past techniques brought about the need to create large three dimensional forms without the structure of stuffing to create corporeal, totemic forms of disembodied entitles that blur the lines between reality and dreams. These forms have been transformed and synthesised in a breakthrough with the medium of varnish. Oil and water based varnish have been utilised to harden the calico material, reinventing the form of the fabric.

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