The COFA Annual 2013

The Quantun Cat
  • The Quantun Cat

  • Mechanisation

  • The Mad Butcher

  • The Mad Butcher

  • War Kestral

  • The Dreamer

  • The Thief

  • Negotiations Between The Clans

Juliet Forsyth
Bachelor of Digital Media

The Quantun Cat
2013 The Quantum Cat is an animated, illustrated ‘choose your own adventure’ game. The story has been inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s novel "The Cats of Ulthar” and twisted into my own creation. I wanted to recreate the thrill of my younger years where curiosity egged me on to turn the page of these wondrous books and find out what gruesome fate awaited my hapless characters. In my game I’ve attempted to replicate this while combining many of the skills I have learned over the years. This game showcases my love of illustration and animation, as well as my dabbling in story writing and game design. I enlisted the help of two talented friends to help, Hugh Inglis was given free reign over the sound and came up with a whimsical wonder which washes over your brain. I then got the equally talented Max Joseph to collaborate on some of the story writing, animating and coding. He made an excellent muse and stalwart companion over the grueling months.

Read my resume