The COFA Annual 2013

  • Intoxication

  • I Undo You As You Undo Me

  • I Undo You As You Undo Me

  • Habitus

  • Habitus

  • Habitus

Yvette Frazier
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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A series of artworks created in response to the standardisation of habitual practices of cleanliness. The book is an extension of this idea, exploring 'dirt discrimination' and the link between cleanliness and hierarchy. Homeless people in Sydney were cleaned, the 'dirty' water filtered and turned into an ink. People projecting the image of being upper middle class and above were approached and asked how many times a day they cleansed their hands. The number written down is the record of each unconscious attempt to differentiate themselves from a class which has been dictated by the highest authority as having no place in Australian society.

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