The COFA Annual 2013


My statement is not written in stone. As a filmmaker and animator, I want to experiment all sorts of techniques and narratives. Style and identity is something that will come to me with time and not something I will impose to my art.

“Anima Radix” is a sand animation piece based and inspired on the principle of creation, of coming to life and the search of identity. With these basic guidelines, I followed an organic production process in which the narrative was taking shape as the sequences were produced, triggering a constant feedback between animating and storytelling.

  • 2013 - COFA High Achiever's Award
  • 2013 - 1st Prize on the UNSW International Video Competition
  • 2011 - 2nd Place on 100% Pepo Illustration competition organised by Ocholibros Publishing House
  • 2011 - Official selection of "Anónimo" on the competition "Horizontes Latinos" at San Sebastián Film Festival
  • 2011 - Official selection of "Anónimo" on the competition "Cine Chileno" at Valdivia Film Festival
  • 2011 - Becas Chile Scholarship Award for Master Studies Overseas, CONICYT
  • 2009 - Universidad del Desarrollo University Academic Excellence Award 2009
  • 2008 - Universidad del Desarrollo University Academic Excellence Award 2008
  • 2007 - Universidad del Desarrollo University Academic Excellence Award 2007
  • 2001 - Honorous Mention at the 3rd Young Artists Exhibition, National Society of Fine Arts
  • 2011 : Universidad del Desarrollo University, Bachelor of Dramatic Audiovisual Arts
  • Animation
    2D animation, Sand Animation, Stopframe, AfterEffects, Maya
  • Film Editor
    Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere
  • Illustration
    Photoshop, Illustrator
  • Screenwriting
    Celtx, Taking Ideas into Script
  • Sound Designer
  • Visual Arts
    Pencil Drawing, Ink Drawing, Chacoal Drawing, Oil Painting, Pastel Painting, Sand Art, Mixed Mediums
Silva De la Cruz
Master of Digital Media

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