The COFA Annual 2013

Anima Radix I
  • Anima Radix I

  • Anima Radix Ii

  • Condorito (100% Pepo)

  • 3 D Camera Match

  • Untitled

  • Untitled

  • Clerk

  • Mirageman I

  • Mirageman

  • Birth Of A New Love

  • Anónimo (Trailer)

  • Affection

  • New Audio For Tool's Prison Sex

  • Kitchen Stuff I

  • My Unsw

Fernando Silva De la Cruz
Master of Digital Media

Anima Radix I

Read my resume

My statement is not written in stone. As a filmmaker and animator, I want to experiment all sorts of techniques and narratives. Style and identity is something that will come to me with time and not something I will impose to my art.

“Anima Radix” is a sand animation piece based and inspired on the principle of creation, of coming to life and the search of identity. With these basic guidelines, I followed an organic production process in which the narrative was taking shape as the sequences were produced, triggering a constant feedback between animating and storytelling.