The COFA Annual 2013

Wake   Muu
  • Wake   Impermanence

  • Wake   Muu

  • Wake   Muu

  • Wake

  • The Experience   Big 5

  • The Experience   Infrastructure

  • The Experience   Community

  • The Experience   Greening

  • I C C I   Unknown

  • I C C I   Unheard

  • I C C I   Unlimited

  • I C C I

  • Boxed In

  • G Konomics

  • G Konomics

  • Wake   Forecast

  • Wake   Jhator

  • Wake

  • Wake

  • Wake

  • Wake

Maria Angelica de Vera
Bachelor of Design

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Wake - Muu
Wake consists of a collection of unique handmade backpacks produced from salvaged materials. Based on the theme of scavenging & vultures, the project title derives from the term used to describe a group of vultures - a wake of vultures. Alongside, “wake” expresses the notion of becoming aware of - and in this case, becoming aware of our attitude towards waste and rethinking negative perspectives of “scavengers” through the storytelling of positive perceptions of vultures in various cultures. According to Ancient Egyptians, vultures are considered to be wonderful mother figures. A vulture represents Nekhbet - the goddess of childbirth and feminine energies. Muu are what Nekhbet priestesses were called as they dressed in robes made of vulture feathers. Organic shapes and draping symbolise the nurturing and soft nature of the Egyptian perspective on vultures.

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