The COFA Annual 2013

Damaged Goods (2012)
  • Expansive Immersive (Broome Series) [Detail]

  • Expansive Immersive (Broome Series) [Detail]

  • Expansive Immersive (Broome Series) [Detail]

  • Expansive Immersive (Broome Series) [Detail]

  • Expansive Immersive (Broome Series) [Detail]

  • Expansive Immersive (Broome Series) [Detail]

  • Damaged Goods (2012)

  • Mirror Image (2011)

  • Expansive Immersive (Broome Series) [Detail]

  • Expansive Immersive (Broome Series) [Detail]

  • Expansive Immersive (Broome Series) [Detail]

  • Expansive Immersive (Broome Series) [Detail]

  • Expansive Immersive (Broome Series) [Detail]

  • Self Portrait With Anish Kapoor

  • Csi: Marsfield (2011)

  • Expansive Immersive (Broome Series) [Postcard]

  • Inbetween Space (2012)

  • Meaning (2012)

Naaz Hanson-Kerr
Bachelor of Art Education

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Damaged Goods (2012)
This project explores the representation of three-dimensional “reality” as a two-dimensional image. Sourcing Web based images (using search engine keywords: Close-Up African Daisy / Close-Up Flowers), the found flower images are printed, crumpled, flattened, scanned and re-presented in a self-reflexive process, then returned to their point of origin, the internet. This small scale 86mm x 58mm image is painted in acrylic on paper at the actual flower size.

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