The COFA Annual 2013

Metaphysical Vessel
  • Grey Hair

  • Grey Hair

  • Blemishes And Wrinkles

  • Blemishes And Wrinkles

  • Body Cover

  • Memory In Transition

  • Memory In Transition

  • Metaphysical Vessel

  • Madness And Conformity

  • Madness And Conformity

  • Madness And Conformity

  • A Place Like Home

  • A Place Like Home

Lauren Wright
Bachelor of Design

Metaphysical vessel
This series of pendants explores the idea of metaphysical preciousness. Memories, dreams and thoughts are captured in containers adding physical value to these intangible ideas. An interplay between strength and weakness using organic formed wire and rigid sheet enhances the precious nature of these items carried symbolically around the neck of the wearer.

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