The COFA Annual 2013

The Story Of The Little Girl Who Could Capture (2012)
  • Investigation Into Drawing (Part 2, 2013)

  • Investigation Into Drawing (Part 2, 2013)

  • Investigation Into Drawing (Part 2, 2013)

  • Investigation Into Drawing (Part 2, 2013)

  • The Story Of The Little Girl Who Could Capture (2012)

  • The Story Of The Little Girl Who Could Capture (2012)

  • The Story Of The Little Girl Who Could Capture (2012)

  • Sticks & Stones (2010)

  • Untitled (Wandering. Part 1, 2013)

Sophie Kingsford-Smith
Bachelor of Fine Arts / Bachelor of Arts

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The Story of the Little Girl Who Could Capture (2012)
The work is a celebration of cloth as story tellers. My practice is largely centred on exploring cloth as a form which can capture, record and be instilled with histories, stories, and essences, and celebrating cloth which is decayed, weathered and worn . While such cloth may appear decayed and discoloured, they are far from vacant. The work is a collection of plant dyed fabric fragments from previous works, hand stitched into each other with deconstructed thread.

Read my resume