The COFA Annual 2013

Every Cell Is Emily
  • Every Cell Is Emily

Emily Cheng
Bachelor of Art Education

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Every cell is Emily
“Every cell is Emily” explores the wholeness of being by creating two mosaic-like mandalas with colourful felt balls resembling human’s cell structure. The pattern of the mandalas will be created intuitively, which will help give insights on one’s subconscious at a particular point in time. The word mandala originated from Sanskrit [Skt.,= circular, round], meaning the wholeness of the universe and the equilibrium of all beings. The mandala symbolizes a sense of completion, it can be a cell or it can be the universe, therefore depicting both within and without the exsitence. Contemplating one’s own existence wholely is essential for healing and transformation. In Carl Jung’s experiment, mandala was used to help people integrate their fear and trauma. Healing and transmutation does not take place without self-love and self-acceptance, where one has to accept oneself completely, including the shadow self. Mandala depicts one’s wholeness, including the light self and the shadow self, without either the other will not be complete. Therefore, the two mandalas are the medium used to depict my complete self, thus help embracing who I am and who I am becoming. The process of creating the mosaic-like mandalas will help me integrate my shadow self. Spider symbolizes creativity in animal totems and I identify immensely with creativity. The technique of dry felting will be used to resemble spiders’ weaving webs, symbolic of my weaving in concert of my dream. Each felt ball symbolises a cell and “every cell is Emily”. Multiple colours will be used in the mandala, because different colours have different vibrtions, and colours are used in therapies and aids healing. The mandalas are installed one at the front and one at the back, symbolic of an aura field’s multilayer nature.

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