The COFA Annual 2013

Whirling Dervish, Egg Tempera On Plywood. 610x610cm
  • Line Dance, Egg Tempera On Plywood, 610x610cm

  • Square Dance, Egg Tempera On Plywood, 610x610cm

  • Whirling Dervish, Egg Tempera On Plywood. 610x610cm

  • Ice Dance, Egg Tempera On Plywood. 610x610cm

  • Waltz, Egg Tempera On Plywood, 610x610cm

  • Urban Rainbow, Egg Tempera On Plywood. 630x1240cm

  • Corroboree, Egg Tempera On Plywood, 610x610cm

Penelope Alford
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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Whirling Dervish, Egg Tempera on plywood. 610x610cm
The constant whirling of the dervishes is mesmerising.

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