The COFA Annual 2013

Your Time In Space
  • Womb

  • Womb

  • Womb

  • Lightsphere

  • 'I Want That You Are Always Happy'

  • Skull

  • Skull

  • Skull

  • Deterior (Worse)

  • Deterior (Worse)

  • Deterior (Worse)

  • Voyager

  • Voyager

  • Your Time In Space

  • Your Time In Space

  • Womb

  • A Resurrection Suspended In Time

  • Jubes & Toothpicks

  • Jubes & Toothpicks

  • Jubes & Toothpicks

  • Extrude. Embalm. Expose.

  • Promethean Obsession

  • Promethean Obsession

  • Promethean Obsession

  • In Due Time

  • Dead Throne

  • 'Deterior (Worse)'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'Voyager'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'Jubes & Toothpicks'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'Bushball'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'In Due Time...'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'Foundations'   Zachariah Fenn, 2013

  • 'Womb'   Zachariah Fenn 2013

Zachariah Fenn
Bachelor of Fine Arts

Your Time in Space
Wood, mirrors, lights, fabric 97 x 97 x 219 cm Installation view at Kudos Gallery for 'Proximity' group exhibition, March-April 2013. 'Your Time in Space' was exhibited at Kudos gallery in the group show ‘Proximity’. The theme of the exhibition was an exploration into the way humans interact with the confines and infinite expanses of time, space and relationships, as well as the struggle of connecting with God. For the project I have drawn strong influences from Olafur Eliasson’s large-scale immersive installations using technology and mirrors to imitate natural phenomena and create an awe-inspiring atmosphere. The effect is intended to raise to consideration the audience member’s own spirituality and eternality. As the title suggests, the booth-like structure is essentially a one man viewing space for the artwork. By controlling the spatiality that the audience can explore, I have reduced the experience to ‘your own personal encounter with the artwork’ and ultimately ‘your time in space’. I find it important that this artwork in particular is viewed individually, as the viewer must carefully and intrinsically consider the themes of eternality and spirituality, without the distractions of external stimuli or other people. The ultimate aim of the illusionary experience is to create a sense of timelessness and feeling of being immersed in the infinity of space – a space where the viewer can privately contemplate and come to terms with their own position in the grand scheme of life, and most importantly, how they might encounter a God who is separate from and not confined to the realms of time and space. 'His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps find Him - though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and exist.' - Acts 17:27

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