The COFA Annual 2013

'I Want That You Are Always Happy'
  • Womb

  • Womb

  • Womb

  • Lightsphere

  • 'I Want That You Are Always Happy'

  • Skull

  • Skull

  • Skull

  • Deterior (Worse)

  • Deterior (Worse)

  • Deterior (Worse)

  • Voyager

  • Voyager

  • Your Time In Space

  • Your Time In Space

  • Womb

  • A Resurrection Suspended In Time

  • Jubes & Toothpicks

  • Jubes & Toothpicks

  • Jubes & Toothpicks

  • Extrude. Embalm. Expose.

  • Promethean Obsession

  • Promethean Obsession

  • Promethean Obsession

  • In Due Time

  • Dead Throne

  • 'Deterior (Worse)'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'Voyager'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'Jubes & Toothpicks'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'Bushball'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'In Due Time...'   Zachariah Fenn

  • 'Foundations'   Zachariah Fenn, 2013

  • 'Womb'   Zachariah Fenn 2013

Zachariah Fenn
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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'I want that you are always happy'
Gouache and pencil on paper. 15 x 21 cm Finalist at the Kudos Award, Kudos Gallery, September 2013 This was a spontaneous drawing study of Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, the commander of the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. He is a major power figure in Iran. I saw an image of him on an internet article and just had to draw his face.

Read my resume