The COFA Annual 2013

I Was Not There, #2
  • Lucid

  • I Was Not There, #1

  • I Was Not There, #2

  • { Jar }

  • Man Who Smokes, #1, 2, 3

  • Man Who Smokes, #4, 5, 6

  • Sleeping Lady, #1, 2, 3

Leila Kexin Xiong
Bachelor of Fine Arts

I Was Not There, #2
Ink and watercolour on paper, 185 x 75 cm. Being born and raised in the east, I have always had this obsession with the western culture in the 1960s, it is the era belongs to the great rock'n roll, Andy Warhol and his glamorous factory girls. Facing the problems remained from the Second World War, people in this generation displayed optimistic view towards the future. They imagined the world in 50 years later would be filled with silver jumpsuits and galaxy travelling. Here I am, standing in the future they dreamed of, all the great ecstasy has yet to be. Our generation is more associated with the doomsday sentiment instead. I want to create this dialogue from where and when I stand now, to the imaginary golden 60's, to question and to exam this relationship.

Read my resume