The COFA Annual 2013

'Metacarpus Entities' (2012)
  • 'Altered States, Benevolent Spirits' (2013)

  • 'Altered States, Benevolent Spirits' (2013)

  • 'Altered States, Benevolent Spirits' (2013)

  • 'Disembodied Organisms' (2012)

  • 'Metacarpus Entities' (2012)

  • 'Entities 8 10' (2011)

  • 'Cellular Cycle' (2011)

  • 'Cellular Cycle' (2011)

  • 'Metacarpus' (2011)

  • 'Metacarpus' (2011)

  • 'Metacarpus' (2011)

  • 'Untitled' (2013)

  • 'Untitled' (2013)

  • 'Untitled' (2013)

  • 'Untitled' (2013)

  • 'Untitled' (2013)

  • 'Untitled' (2013)

Kim Bailey
Bachelor of Art Education

'Metacarpus Entities' (2012)
A souvenir serves as the trace of an authentic experience. However the recall of memory that occurs within this subsequent re-accessing of events or information from the past is never truly genuine. During recall, the brain "replays" a pattern of neural activity that was originally generated in response to a particular event, echoing the brain's perception of the real event. These replays are not quite identical to the original, though. They are distorted by the awareness of the current situation to differentiate between the genuine experience and the memory - but are mixed with an awareness of the current situation. The series is an extension of previous ideas and techniques that have been transformed and synthesised in a breakthrough on the large three-dimensional scale. The entities relay aspects of my internal mental landscape that distorts the sense of reality and challenges the horizon of dreams. The creatures have been spliced with human and animal features and symbols inspired by anatomical drawings. They are generally drawn first, translated into a three dimensional sphere then worked back into attempting to consider the state of the human brain on the edge of chaos through states of transition, of recall, of ambivalence, of conflicts.

Read my resume