The COFA Annual 2013


My work grows through a conscious intersection between intuitive impulses and political analysis. My creative process is nurtured though scholarly study of images of women from prehistory on all continents, Strongly feminist and lesbian in source material, as an older lesbian in a young society that worships youth, I focus on personal representation of surviving patriarchy. I involve myself in community art and, as an elder myself; I work with Aboriginal and other Indigenous women elders when appropriate. The transformative power of fire fascinates me and therefore I centre my skills in hot metal and kiln work.

  • 2005 - Edna Ryan Award for Contribution to Women and Computing
  • 2004 - Pioneer Women's Hall of Fame -Signature Quilt
  • 2002 : Griffith University, MTM
  • 1978 : University of Adelaide, BA
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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