The COFA Annual 2013

  • Aura

Aviva Sleigh
Bachelor of Fine Arts / Bachelor of Arts

Light, translucency and movement have always been important elements in my work.  While transient, they are part of perpetual but often subconscious perceptions of everyday places and situations.  In 'Aura' I focus the viewer's attention on these elements while allowing ambiguity of emotive and symbolic associations. The qualities of the elements are enhanced by projection through layers of perspex, giving depth and ethereality to my animation. Like Nasuhiro Nakanishi, I experiment with the impressionistic flow of images, preventing the viewer from grasping anything solid.Projecting through layers of perspex creates a depth and ethereality to my animation. I am like Nasuhiro Nakanishi; I experiment with a flow of images, which prevents the viewer from grasping anything solid.

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