The COFA Annual 2013


Naaz’s cross-disciplinary body of work explores the notion of the expanded field of painting, challenging the convention of painting one side of a flat plane of stretched primed canvas by creating numerous incisions in a loose canvas (extending Lucio Fontana’s cutting methodology) and then physically manipulating the canvas to create new sculptural forms; pigment is added to both sides either prior to or following the formation of the three-dimensional pieces. Works are hung or span between walls and plinths to facilitate a more interactive viewer experience than the singular viewpoint of traditional painting.

  • 2012 - Finalist - Kudos Emerging Artist & Designer Award
  • 2010 - COFA Undergraduate Award
  • 1989 : Randwick College of TAFE, Graphic Design Certificate
  • 1987 : University of Sydney, Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts Honours)
Bachelor of Art Education

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