The COFA Annual 2013

A Place Like Home
  • Grey Hair

  • Grey Hair

  • Blemishes And Wrinkles

  • Blemishes And Wrinkles

  • Body Cover

  • Memory In Transition

  • Memory In Transition

  • Metaphysical Vessel

  • Madness And Conformity

  • Madness And Conformity

  • Madness And Conformity

  • A Place Like Home

  • A Place Like Home

Lauren Wright
Bachelor of Design

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A place like home
This collection of rugs has been designed for the Women’s and Girl’s Emergency Centre located in Riley Street, Surry Hills, Sydney. The centre is a drop in space that provides social support to women in need. The women who use the centre come from diverse backgrounds having experienced hardships such as homelessness and abuse. A number of services and support systems are available to assist women in crisis, the centre acting as a place of refuge and support. The work of the centre over the last 40 years has impacted the lives of the women they have helped.

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