The COFA Annual 2013


Innovation, Experimentation and the Body.

My pieces questions the interactions with technology upon the body to push the traditional boundaries of jewellery and body adornment. The growing prevalence of the quantified self and body architecture means that body centric design can assist with improving the physical and mental wellbeing of humans. In exploring a mixture of traditional and upcoming technologies and materials, my work aims to inform and emotionally connect the user with the design solution such that it leads to an improvement in their lives.

  • 2013 - EEBEMU Heartbeat coat for ISEA 2013
  • 2012 - Finalist in Sydney Architectural Festival’s exhibition “Connecting Sydney”
  • 2012 - Finalist in Rug Up exhibition in conjunction with Designer Rugs
  • 2012 - COFA Art and Design Grant
  • 2008 : University of New South Wales, Bachelor of Commerce and Arts
  • Acrylic
    Bending acrylic parts and strips
  • CAD
    Rhino, 3d printing
  • Electronics
    Soldering, wiring electrical objects, Arduino
  • Graphics
    Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign
  • Jewellery/ Metal Work
    Soldering, Riveting, Metal shaping and forming, saw piercing and drilling
  • Textiles
    Screen printing, weaving, felting, heat press
Bachelor of Design

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