The COFA Annual 2013

Female Masturbation
  • The Thoughts Of The Living Are Herd By The Dead

  • Female Masturbation

Natasha Burbury
Bachelor of Fine Arts

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Female masturbation
The body of work addresses the connection between the individuals mind and body when conducting self-satisfaction. Deducting all social, political and religious structures that have tried to define the act and simply discovering the natural animalistic behavior in which it is. Experimenting with materials to discover; how can this instinctive human performance can be displayed on the gallery wall without incorporating societies interpretations? Drawing from theories of psychoanalyst and philosopher, Julia Kristeva; who throughout her writings theorizes a connection between mind and body, culture and nature, psyche and soma, matter and representation, by insisting both that bodily drives are discharged in representation, and that the logic of signification is already operating in the material body. Using large canvas and acrylic paint the project is a personal investigation that involved covering myself in wet paint and performing masturbation on the canvas material. By doing so I am identifying with the organic forms that result from the movement made during this act. I have displayed the ashes of the performance. A rhetorical work that intends to stem into the personal yet identify with the universal. In addition, I have included my own pubic hair covered in paint from the performance to act as evidence and documentation. Inspired by ideas of abject artist Kiki Smith who finds grace and beauty in all of the human functions and Tracey Emin who transports the viewer in a space that reveals the personal in attempt to create an all-embracing connection with the audience. I am also drawing techniques from french performance artist Yves Klein who uses the body as a vehicle to transmit experiences in his blue monochrome paintings.

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