The COFA Annual 2013

Waltz, Egg Tempera On Plywood, 610x610cm
  • Line Dance, Egg Tempera On Plywood, 610x610cm

  • Square Dance, Egg Tempera On Plywood, 610x610cm

  • Whirling Dervish, Egg Tempera On Plywood. 610x610cm

  • Ice Dance, Egg Tempera On Plywood. 610x610cm

  • Waltz, Egg Tempera On Plywood, 610x610cm

  • Urban Rainbow, Egg Tempera On Plywood. 630x1240cm

  • Corroboree, Egg Tempera On Plywood, 610x610cm

Penelope Alford
Bachelor of Fine Arts

Waltz, Egg Tempera on plywood, 610x610cm
The flowers represent the dresses of the ballroom dancers as they waltz to the music

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