The COFA Annual 2013

Decision Values
  • I Know Where I'm Going! [Mull]

  • I Know Where I'm Going! [Berlin]

  • I Know Where I'm Going! [Vienna]

  • Counterplate [Every Path Is The Right Path]

  • Counterplate [The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side]

  • Untitled

  • Decision Making Taxonomy

  • Decidophobia

  • Decidophobia

  • Decidophobia

  • An Experiment With Time [Homage To J.L.B.]

  • Decisions With 3 Tesla

  • Blank Chance

  • Decision Values

  • Eternal Return

  • Is It In My Hands?

  • Decision Disc

Elke Reinhuber [eer]
PhD Media Arts

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Decision Values
There are several places at which the density of crucial decisions is rather high. In Paris, I observed the emblematic buildings of the stock exchange (Bourse), the parliament (Assemblée Nationale), the high court (Palais de Justice), an airport tower (Orly), a hospital (Hôpital de la Salpêtrière) and the Madeleine for a certain period of time; and then took the same amount of images of these buildings as either the number of decisions being made, their duration or frequency, or the number of choices or deciders. 6 time-lapse videos, 1“ 6 photo composites, 80x60cm

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