The COFA Annual 2013

Pyri Planters
  • Pyri Planters

  • Pyri Planters

  • Pyri Planters

  • Pyri Planters

  • Pyri Planters

  • Pyri Planters

  • Pyri Planters

  • Pyri Planters

  • Unravel

  • Triangular Shelving

  • Unravel

Anna Major
Bachelor of Design

Pyri-Planters are neoprene vessels that indicate when plants need watering. Based off the structure of the Banksia and its ability to adapt to its environment, the vessels’ colour reacts to the cool temperature of water to reveal a blue pattern, which then that reverts back to its original colour when it dries. By trying to develop a form that reflects the structure of the Banksia I have created a woven vessel from neoprene that is flexible, durable, and capable of maintaining cool temperatures. These qualities make it ideal for holding plants and other wet objects.

Read my resume