The COFA Annual 2013


Working across a number of interdisciplinary techniques my art practice deals with exploration and experimentation of materials to express my visualization of luminosity, reflection, texture and mark making.

I embrace the influences of my surroundings wherever I may be and try to reflect them into my work by capturing the evocative sensibilities of my environs and observation of nature in symbolic representations.

My latest works relate to memories and psychological sentiments of places and experiences; namely the island mentality of living in a bubble and isolation.

  • 2013 : University of New South Wales - COFA, Master of Art
  • Drawing
    Illustration, charcoal, pen and mixed media
  • Graphic Design
    Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Adobe Acrobat Pro
  • Metal Casting
    Bronze sculpture, cast making
  • Painting
    Acrylic, oil on canvas and mixed media
  • Printmaking
    Etching, Aqua tint and sugar lift
Master of Art

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