The COFA Annual 2013


Illustration, Painting, Sculpture and Photography; four traditional mediums digitized and sent forth into the world as a wild legion serving a great number of industries, injecting beauty and style into the lifestream. This is what I try do.

A lonely artwork becomes infused into the greater machine. The Artist becomes the Digital Matte Painter, the Character Designer, the 3D Artist, the Creative Director, the Couturier. I’m to be torn apart and thrown into a million industries, permitted to permeate as many mediums as I please, ceaselessly learning and honing my craft to whatever end. Can’t wait.

  • Illustration
    Pencil, Pen, Charcoal, Digital Illustration.
  • Painting
    Watercolour, Oil, Digital Painting.
  • Photography
    Analogue and Digital Photography, Photoshop.
  • Sculpture
    Chavant Clay, Wax, 3D Digital Sculpture.
Christian Georges
Bachelor of Digital Media

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