The COFA Annual 2013

Salvage Project 2013
  • Salvage Project 2013

  • Untitled

  • Salvage Project

Louisa Tirris
Bachelor of Design

Salvage Project 2013
Grounded in “Adaptive Reuse” ideology, this project explores the parallels between shipwreck salvaging and the potential to salvage materials for re-use in temporal marketplaces. The term ‘salvage’ means to ‘rescue’ – a practice in seafaring whereby a ship, its cargo, and or other materials are recovered after a shipwreck. This means that despite its being underutilised, existing resources can be re-adapted elsewhere. Hence their survival, where new experiences, new directions become possible. So why do temporal marketplaces need salvaging? Observations show that stalls lack a dynamic layout, interactivity, organisational capabilities and ultimately innovation. This design salvages and re-works materials and objects utilised at marketplaces: milk crates, a plywood tabletop, signage boards, a hand trolley and ropes integrate to create a functional yet poetic market stall that stays true to its materials. Interchangeable, easy to set-up and move, the stall creates an immediate connection between vendors and shoppers.

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