The COFA Annual 2013

Marraine's Memories
  • Marraine's Memories

  • Bea

  • Beyond Satiation

  • Beyond Satiation (Detail)

  • Immoral Fibre

  • Ending Is Better Than Mending (Detail)

  • The Cortege

  • Marraine

  • Secular Saint 1

  • Demyelinating

  • Emile

  • Secular Saint 2

  • E = C + G + I + X

  • Waiting

  • Jamie

  • The Third Eye

Jane Theau
Master of Art

Previous Student

Marraine's Memories
This piece was a finalist in the International Lace competition at the Powerhouse Museum. It depicts the neuronal pathology of dementia sufferers, and the confused thoughts that fly around in their minds.

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